It all started last summer when my coworker ripped me off for a bike. He sold me a piece of shit fixed gear for $180.00. I rode it all summer long and became addicted to the speed. I could no longer ride any other kind of bike. I fell in love with the fact that the pedals never stopped. Just kept going and going until I fell in an ecstasy.
Long distances are rarely felt. One moment I am at point A, next moment I am at point B, 30 miles away. Anyways, I broke this bike in an accident where I was going fast as whatever goes approximately 45 miles per hour, and even though we had right of way on the bike path,a girl saw a car coming out stomped on her brakes, i tried to skid(brake) but my chain snapped, hit the back of her bike and i was in flight for a good 3 seconds. Luckily for me, most of the time I have cat like reflexes and landed landed like a ninja, straight judo roll.(It mustve loooked awesome). However, my wrist did hurt for a month and a half but once again thats beside the point. My bike had passed away, crank bent, fork bent, it was gone, and i cried. But I would get a new bike however it would get stolen within a week and now i have a cute black Mercier fixed gear I named Mercedes. She is alright and never fails me. My gold rim are poppin and i just add the swag. It has been a year and counting, and i don't think i'm ever gonna stop riding fixed, call me an adrenaline junky, but thats my ecstasy, that zen like zone one gets when they are mashing down streets is unlike any other feeling. My fix(gear) is my fix. I should definitely wear my biking shorts more often tho or my moms gonna be disappointed...aha. and possibly consider a helmet
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