(randor pics now at:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

A Smiley Face

woke up early, took a chief duece. showered. studied for my comm final. got the evil rumbly, sat on the toilet and discharged, again. studied some more. went to class. took my test. heres the highlight. im walking to turn in my test and my T.A. is there waiting for me with the biggest smile and she tells me "congrats, your paper was excellent, you got 50 out of 50." My first A on a paper in college and it's not just an A, it is an A+.But im still prolly going to get a mediocre grade in the class. fuck it, thug life. time to chill and spend my weekend doing what i do best, nothing.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Point #2

avoid using fake images
avoid putting on masks
if you both have a mask on, who is the true person?
mask may feel safer but only makes it hard
1) prevent honest communication
2)mislead your partner
3)make it hard for you to switch to honest communication later
be authentic (be honest)
some people will walk away
those who stay are the ones who value what you value
they are the people you want to meet anyway
& your honesty will help them be honest with you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dedication to...

It is okay to be different

Education is bullshit except for sex, photography and art.
Bill Watterson. Calvin and Hobbes.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Sometimes a movie comes out and everyone gets erect and makes a big deal of it. Thats when i go watch a movie. INCEPTION. Forget deception, that does not do the trick. The movie was interesting and good. I really liked the fact that people can possibly be addicted to dreams. Dreams become their reality. And of course, the whole "the dream inside of dream inside of a dream" thing was cool and how they were able to manipulate the subject was dope. As well as the trippy architecture, gravity stuff.
People say you can manipulate your dream but I find that difficult. Also, i don't think I have ever looked at a clock, or attempted to turn the lights on or off in a dream. However, I think theres been a few times when I am having a dream, I acknowledge that its a dream, but that recognition still doesn't have much effect on the dream. weird. My dreams are not my reality but they are amazing.They are random and they are fun. I may wake up breathing heavy with a beating heart or I may wake up laughing. In my younger days i had a reoccurring nightmare of a never-ending, unwinding ball of yarn that quickly unraveled. There was also creepy, screechy, background music. I never understood that dream. (This paragraph had nothing to do with the movie)
Is it weird that i like to record my dreams?
But anyways, my bros and I, each came up with our own analysis of the movie, each with our own individual idea of an alternative ending that would have been equally as effective. We eventually agreed on what actually happened. Limbo. All in all, the movie is a sneaky snake but its good.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Highlight of my day: My scab is coming off.
Sour Note: I didn't dream last night.
A thought: I'm a liquid killer. I could drink drinks all day.
Something Irrelevant: You know those studies people try to get you involved in on a campus? Well i got in one and tomorrow i have an interview, running an experiment with three others. I am a lab rat. But i do get paid. Found it kinda funny that they sent me guidelines:

1. Do not eat a major meal within 60 minutes prior to arriving at the lab.

2. Avoid alcohol consumption 24 hours prior to arriving at the lab.

3. Avoid eating dairy products during the 30 minutes prior to arriving
at the lab.

4. Avoid acidic or high sugar foods the day of your appointment.

5. Do not sleep in late the day of your appointment. It is important
for you to have been awake for at least 5 to 6 hours the day of your

6. Do not drink caffeinated drinks within 4 hours prior to arriving at the lab.

7. Do not exercise prior to arriving at the lab on your scheduled day.

8. Do not brush your teeth within 3 hours prior to arriving at the lab.

9. Please wear loose comfortable clothing/pants for the session.

Friedrich Nietzsche

There cannot be a God because if there were one, I could not believe that I was not He.

Saturday, July 17, 2010



Feels good to be home. i am happy. must be the LA smog, or the heat. its hot. had a big boy meal.
i get to sleep on an inflatable instead of four large pillows. yes!
However, this post is dedicated to the beauty of music without lyrics. proceed.

im guessing the message of the vid is that love is timeless just like real music is.



and because i wouldnt give you the clean without the filth...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the homie showed me this.
I thought it was epic, priceless, and fanny.

Mr. Rager

i found it entertaining, fo sho.
"im a man in the wild, and the wild is the best."

This Is What The Streets Need

made this real quick on photoshop.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


My minds been more tangled than a spider’s web under the influence of koffein…

I had a midterm today and hope all went well. The test was a sneaky snake; I hope I bubbled in the right answers. Also, I debated what major to go into since I really need to make up my mind. soon. I figured ill make up my mind by fall quarter but it looks like it’s gonna be a trifecta of psychology, philosophy, and art. I need to lose my footing momentarily…more often.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


It was about time I put up a new bigben, and his dino homie. It wasn't as good as the first, but it'll do. I guess it rained everywhere but the beach, and there was a piece of a nice rainbow. oh, and this big sand crab caught my attention so i picked it up and snapped a pic.

Friday, July 9, 2010

When Im Zoooooooooooone!

I might just go to Audiotistic.
The Cudder, The Cool Kids, Nero, Rusko....dayummm!>
Cudi Zone- impeccable 1:49, ahaha.
3:40, "stop looking at my butt"
The drop at 7:03
The transfer at 7:35, proficient

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rest In Peace

Just thought I'd dedicate a small post to a friend, classmate.
Rest in Peace Chantal Driver, you were a cool cat. It is always sad to see someone leave so young. I can only say positive things about you. You will be missed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The First Supper

My first meal as a college student. It was more than alright. Chi city mane wasn't lying about the Sweet Baby Rays Barbecue Sauce. First time i ever cooked rice and it came out prime. Chicken prime. Veggies prime. Coke Prime. Bbq Prime.
(click for better resolution)

My Welcome Back Card

I gets the free bird

click pics for better res


Monday, July 5, 2010

Here I Am, Discover Me

My Musical Taste Is Across The Charts

I do not apologize.


Meee goodness his upcoming stuff is gonna be solid. im chills-bound.
Rager Forever.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

La Tierra de Pinos y Paz- Campamento, Olancho, Honduras

I dont know how long its been but im guessing im going on three years since i saw any family member outside of my present family, composed of dad, mom and 2 bros. Its interesting how we are all the same people but we all lead different lives. We are all ourselves and our circumstances. Some of us live without a parent, some of us our only children, however that love you share for a family member is so comforting and warm. I miss that feeling and I know when I see my cousins they are going to be more evil (haha) and look different.
I miss...
the smell of smoked wood.
the breezies
the dirt roads.
the park.
the rivers.
cold coke.
the free diet(3 small meals a day).
the fried fish (my uncles would go out at 2am and come back later with a bunch of fish and im guessing they jump into the private fish breeding grounds and jack the fish, ahahha...oh well, I enjoy it).
staring at the chickens ( A chickens life is seemingly pointless other than to provide food and its funny because if youve ever observed a chicken, their life is pretty simple, all they do is wake up, potentially reproduce, lay eggs, spend the rest of the day pecking at the ground, and eventually jump on trees and fall asleep).
messing around with the rooster.

What i dont miss is the stupid rooster doing his call at random hours of the night. I also dont miss the mosquitoes.

I do however miss
the nice people and the cheap prices
playing soccer on a hill which is pretty stupid because the ball would roll down everytime and we would have to go get it.
playing soccer at midnight, in the streets, in flaming, humid weather
the stars
the malls of the city
the bombay tacos at jacobos
the humble people
riding on the back of pickup trucks.
the uneducated rude little kids that use foul language in a hilarious manner.
the new years party, i didnt go but i enjoyed the music. The music could be heard for miles, i lived right next door ahahhaha.
the sound of machine guns at midnight.
But what I really miss are
the warm feeling of real freedom,
the pines, the peace
the loss of the sense of time
my aunts, uncles, cousins and my grandma.


What Would I Do Without Ye

Ah! Pedal!
Just keep going and going!
('til your nuts hurt)